Tuesday, January 17


We are into the two busiest months of the year. You can find yourself so busy you are not sure if you are coming or going. These are the prime two months that everyone wants to be here. Being the introvert that I am my favorites are the other four of the winter season. The older I get the more difficult dealing with busy seems to be. This year will mark a new decade for me so I do not look for that to improve.

It was as much fun as I anticipated when Jason and Laura surprised us. We enjoyed every minute of their being with us and look forward to a repeat of that. It would be different if they were here for a longer period of time so the pressure of cramming in as much as possible would be lifted.

I must mention the weather. We have been coming to the RGV for 25 years. We got used to the weather being what everyone expects when it is labeled tropical. It has been a few years since we have enjoyed the usual thing for the weather. Mother nature is making up for it this year. This has been the best January we have had in memory and we are enjoying it and being grateful. If the weather turns sour we all know how to handle it! We have practiced for the past 3 years!

We are scheduled for a massage on Thursday. Yippee!

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