Thursday, November 3


 Still working on getting everything done. Yesterday we had a water heater leak and a broken connection. In asking around most people call Saul and we did as well. It is fixed. The clothesline broke and needed restrung. Got it done but that was anything but pleasant. Late in the day, 4:00 pm, we went to Lowes to get the supplies for the computer desks. Late in the day in South Texas is not a good time to be out and about. And now that we have been reminded we will do our best to not do that again.

In the motorhome with all of our belongings in place, it would still take about a week to get fully acclimated. This year it is going to take at least a week and a half and that is peddling as fast as I can. I do hope it gets better after all the things involved in any move get resolved.

 I now have two lists-things to bring from Iowa to Texas and things to take from Texas back to Iowa. There are not many things on the list...yet.

Our chairs will be delivered tomorrow.😁

Oh, I have yet to make it to the pool hall.😏

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