Wednesday, June 15

And then?...

 Last Friday we got the title in hand for the MoHo so we could get it to the new owner. We had thought it would be a simple thing of getting it from our lender but when it came down to it they said they didn't have it and to contact the state we lived in at the time we purchased it. We had purchased it when we were full-time RVers so our mailing address was South Dakota. We had a service that forwarded our mail to us wherever we might be. So I contacted the County and they told me the loaner had the title according to their records. I thought "Oh, no I might have a catch-22 on my hands." but it got worked out. So the RV chapter of our life is closed now.

I am back to getting some pool played. It is quite the roller coaster. Some days I do well and some days not so well. It does keep me moving and I enjoy working on the game in a productive way. As long as I focus on it being a learning process and not a win/loss situation all is well.

We are having another rainy day! It seems like out of 7 days, 3 to 4 of them contain some rain. The good news is that watering the plants is easier.

Right now I need to get Thursday night's trivia questions lined up so until I can think of something exciting or funny to relate to you, I will be otherwise occupied.

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