Tuesday, September 28

Booster + Flu

 Butch and I went to our local HyVee pharmacy to see what it would take to get a flu shot and/or the Pfizer booster. We got both! And to top it off, each of us was gifted with a $10 gift card for the Pfizer booster and a total of 40 cents off on a fuel saver card for the Flu shot. The Pfizer one was an unexpected bonus. We had no idea they were doing that and since we planned to pick up a few grocery items we used them right away. It is very easy to go over $20 in a grocery store.

Back to the injections- neither of us had a reaction. The flu shot gave me an itchy spot for about 10 minutes and both injection sites felt warm. But that was all.

We thought about waiting till we got to Texas for the booster but there is a long way to get there and many people who are thumbing their nose at the danger all around them. We will now feel a bit safer on the trip down.

We are taking small steps towards taking off and plan to leave either the 15th or 16th. We will be moving into the motorhome next week to test our readiness.

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