Thursday, July 22

One of those days!

 First off I learned that Donna Gabbert, visiting her sister, Mickey, fell at the car wash and broke her arm! She said the floor was slick as snot! Many of you know Donna because she lives in Rio Valley Estates in Weslaco, Texas, and keeps a blog going year-round and I know there are some of you that keep track because she writes about things happening in the valley while we are all up here. She will be staying in Iowa for at least a little while until she can safely drive home with her arm in a cast.

The next thing was hearing from my sister. Let's just say it didn't go well. Then I found out from my other sister, the pool table sister, that her sister and brother from her father's first wife, their mother, was near death and they were seeing to that. Don't ask! It's complicated but makes perfect sense to me. Then I heard from a niece about more family info. Some days are just like that! This whole paragraph is going to create more questions than answers...and more phone calls! It seems these kinds of days come up all in one short period of time. One thing about it I am about talked out so should sleep well tonight...I hope. 

Meanwhile...Butch and I are getting odds and ends done around here. I am gathering stuff for the garage sale. It is always a relief to have garage sales in your past instead of the future. It will soon be over!

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