Friday, July 2

Issues? Anyone?

 Perhaps it is just me but it seems as though we have had one "issue" after another. My definition of issue is something that needs attention in one way or another, either started or ended or somewhere in between. Researching something, like the electric bill. Unsatisfactory order from eBay, another from Walmart, and a third from Amazon! And if I get too many stacked up, it makes me cranky. I know that is hard to believe...ME cranky?  The current situation is that we can see the issues whittling down so we feel a bit more at ease. The tree is topped and Butch, with help, has it all cleaned up. Motorhome maintenance is still in the works but that is more Butch's issue than mine so it is not on MY list.

There are still a few more projects on the agenda. Easy ones by comparison to some. After all, without any what would we possibly do?

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