Saturday, July 3


 Butch's cousin stopped by yesterday and an issue came up that I was unaware of as an issue! Butch asked her if she wanted to see the pool hall. She was very quick to say she didn't play pool and had no reason to start and most likely couldn't if she wanted to. The pool hall is a pool hall to us but it is also a meeting room, a gathering place, and a game room and we surely do not want anyone to feel they will be coerced into doing something they do not choose to do. It had not occurred to me that anyone would feel pushed into playing pool or games or anything else. Yes, Butch and I are in there most days at 4:00 and we can visit and play at the same time. So if you just want to 'chew the fat' as they used to say please feel free to drop in. No arm twisting will take place. We promise!

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