Saturday, May 29

Spring Lake Cabins

 Our little county park of Spring Lake has always played a part in my life, particularly the early years, before my father died. In the summer and before air conditioning we would eagerly wait for Dad to get off work at 5:00 and hurry home so we could go to the lake. We would rush to get our swimsuits on and get into the water. It seemed we were there a long time and sometimes I think we were, as the sun would be setting when we headed home. We always changed into our clothes and when we headed home we would hold our wet suits out the open window to wind dry them on the 7 miles ride back to town. 

The Leo and Keri family are staying in one of the 3 cabins that are now at Spring Lake for rentals. They were not a part of my youthful experience but they are really cool. We were wanting to see what they were like so we stopped out this afternoon.

Here are some photos I took:

Erin Westergard

Joe Davis

Clara likes fruit

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