Sunday, May 23

I'm Walkin', Yes, Indeed

 Keri and I have walked the past two mornings and it feels so good to be back at it! Yesterday we noticed that the phlox was in full bloom. A few years ago it was similar and I had a photo of it put on canvas and it is currently on my wall, being one of my favorites. After I took the picture they sprayed alongside both sides and wiped out all that was growing for a width of about 2 feet on each side. I was not happy!! Now the phlox has recovered and I took some new photos. It is wonderful that they are back. It adds so much beauty to the trail.

Here are this morning's photos.

This one is after we made the turn at the one-mile mark looking North.

And the next two are looking South as we approach. Don't you think it is time to hit the trail?

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