Sunday, July 5

A Word of Advice.

Several years ago Butch and I got a Shingles vaccine. Darn pricy but we sure did not want to get shingles. Move forward about 5 to 10 years and they decide that vaccine was not adequate and we needed to get a series of two vaccines at least two months apart. And again we did not want to get Shingles. We have seen quite a few friends and acquaintances suffer from Shingles and it certainly appeared that we should avoid it if at all possible. So last fall when we got our "before we go to Texas" medical exam we got the first of the two shots. September of 2019.  They told us there had to be a two-month space of time before we could get the second one so I asked if it could wait till we came back to Iowa in the Spring. No problem! And then a broken leg and Covid-19 happened. We tried to get it done when we first came back and were told they were not giving vaccines of any kind at that time. 
So as it would happen we got it on July 3rd. My advice is to never get a vaccine and particularly that one the day before a holiday. The first one last September was painful and created a large red patch on the arm that hurt like the devil for several days but in the scheme of things, it was not that big a deal. Now Butch did fine with the second one too but for me, it was a very different story. It hurt like the devil and I had the big red patch but then I suffered everything they listed as a reaction possibility, aches throughout my entire body, fatigue, fever, and nausea. So I spent the entire day sleeping, hurting, and popping Tylenol. Not fun!
Today is about 50% better. At least I am not shivering and aching with fever. Today I am still tired and feel like I am recovering but still far from normal. I hope for a better day tomorrow.
Till next time...

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