Friday, May 29

HWH Day plus old friends

Butch and I made our way to Moscow Iowa yesterday to have the leveling legs on the motorhome repaired. When we were ready to leave Texas we found our leveling legs, well one leveling leg, would not retract and we had to get help and use force to get it retracted so we could drive it. HWH in Moscow Iowa is the manufacturer of the leveling legs put on most RV's and when you choose to have them repair them you are looking at the Top Dog in the business. For anyone else, it will be a guessing game but HWH put it together so for them it is easy to know where and what to look for as the problem and they have all the means at their disposal to fix it.
HWH and Moscow Iowa are 200 miles east of us. So we got up early to head that way because we also wanted to work in a socially distanced visit with our long-time friends Bill and Kay Stilson in Walcott Iowa a mere 14 miles from Moscow. 
We knew there was a big old weather system between us and eastern Iowa and we did run into at about Ames and out of it again at Tama. Rain is not something we like to travel in. Tolerable if it is light rain, a challenge if it is medium rain, and horrible if it is a deluge. It was a medium rain. Butch is an excellent driver and it is never more apparent than when it is raining. He handled it very well. Me, not so much. I am stiff and sore today and only because medium rain makes me tense.

We arrived at HWH earlier than our appointment time and they got our RV in right away and fixed it easily and on our bill, in more than one place it had an amount and then it said it was a "goodwill" charge of $0.00. We were pleasantly surprised and our total bill was $99. We had expected it to be several hundred. I am sure it gets them a very good review every time! We had heard they do this but we were not expecting it. After all, our RV is 16 years old! Yeah, I know it shocks us too!

After we finished up with HWH we went to see our friends Bill and Kay. It was so good to see them again
The last time we had seen them was last summer when we went for our cruise on the Mississippi. It used to be when we were in Magnolia every winter we would see them several times a day. We have had many memorable moments and many adventures with those two and they are the very best of good people.

Kay was not happy with her hair as she is long overdue for a haircut but many people are in that same boat these days. I think they look great and I knew many of our mutual friends would enjoy the picture too.
Our return trip involved more medium rain but we did run out of it again and finished our trip with partly sunny skies.

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