Sunday, February 3

What the Hey!!

We usually drop the temperature down about 5 degrees on the thermostat each night and then in the morning, I hike it back up 5 degrees. Sometimes just to take the chill off. This morning I looked at the outdoor temperature at 6:15 AM and it is a balmy 68 degrees to start! We have not had that scenario in a while.
I am feeling a bit better each morning with the sinus situation and continue to hope the antibiotics do the trick until I can get the snafu of cardiology approval resolved. I need an EKG probably and a cardiologist to sign off on it before I can have the surgery to fix it. I will be working on this wrinkle in the works first thing in the morning.
Yesterday was garage sale day in Magnolia. We did not plan to go this month but a request for some tech advice took us that way. It is always good to say Hi to our Magnolia friends.

Well, it is superbowl Sunday, a day I am always glad to get out of the way. It is much ado about nothing in my opinion. When will civilization take us beyond the idea that hitting each other is something worth watching to get an adrenalin rush from it? Not in my lifetime, I am guessing.

This afternoon is a mixed doubles pool tournament and I am feeling well enough to participate. Haven' t practiced much. May have to apologize profusely. LOL

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