Friday, February 8


Maybe I am okay. Maybe the sinus infection is cleared up. Maybe I will remember I am allergic to Amoxicillin and get a bad case of hives when I take it. I do not think there is much of a maybe on the last one. I have a great deal of incentive for remembering that one.

My up-north cardiac records have made it to a cardiologist here. So will go get acquainted next Friday. It is probably a good idea to have a connection on both ends of the country regardless of surgical plans.
I am feeling much better than I have in a while but I am saying that cautiously. I have not done much testing. I need to get out and do some serious moving around, get the muscles working and the blood to flowing despite it being a high in the 40's today. After a high near 90 yesterday. Is it no wonder our bodies get all out of whack.
I feel like I have lost a winter season in South Texas. I do not mind being somewhat of a hermit but when the choice is plucked from you due to body function circumstances it feels very unfair.
I have a little under half the season left and I have hopes of making the best of it.

Butch played in a Bridge tournament yesterday. It was a tournament between Trophy Gardens and Winter Ranch, sister parks and next door to each other. Trophy Gardens came out the victors this year.
Till next time...

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