Friday, January 18

Leak Fixed

There must be a #&^*$ Microsoft update coming in! I am up at 5:30 AM and the computer is slower than slow. It could be that the rest of the park are early risers as well. I suppose that is possible. The reason I am blaming Microsoft is because all aspects of computing are slow-not just the Internet. Time heals all wounds- I wish it would also wound all heels. That seems to take longer.

Butch was impressed with his massage and thinks it helped a great deal. I have noticed much less talk about his dysfunctional shoulder so I would say it is better. He will be returning next week for more work on it.

We have had an occasional leak in our roof and we had determined it was around the air conditioner. Butch tried to trace it down and caulked in a few places but it did not work. And then I happened upon an RV article that explained the situation perfectly and took away all doubt that it was the air conditioner seal that needed attention. So we scheduled an appointment with our go-to guy for RV repair in the Rio Grande Valley, Mark Hvam,  and yesterday was the day he came and fixed it! Butch said it became obvious where the problem was once Mark moved the AC and looked. After our repair was done we noticed our RV neighbors clustering around Mark for their RV questions. All he has to do is show up and work will find him! He is reasonably priced and very knowledgeable and we totally trust him with our winter home. Oh yes, you can find Mark’s business at the Don-Wes Flea Market on the south side of business 83 about halfway back on the west side of the building. His wife Nancy will be there even if Mark is out on a call.

I love my new bike but the weather has not been conducive for bike riding, walking or much of anything outdoors. It has been cold. Cold for us is anything below 55 degrees. But now we are looking at a heat wave! A short one they say but today and tomorrow it could get close to 90 degrees. It was 69 degrees when I looked at the thermometer when my feet hit the floor at 5:30 AM so that would indicate a hot one. Oh yeah! It is also very foggy! Perfect weather seems to always be just out of reach.

I have been playing more pool. Every once in a while I notice an improvement in my game. Butch practically lives at the pool hall. His skill level is definitely up there as they say. One of his competitions out of the park recently he told me he ran the table 3 times in a row. That is a big deal!

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