Tuesday, January 15

Dark and Dreary

blog 1/15/19
Dreary, dark and drizzly winter day in deep south Texas means no workable Internet in Trophy Gardens because of everyone who would ordinarily be out and about doing all kinds of activities are indoors trying to make the Internet go faster.

So I write this in a word program for later placement on the blog.

Butch is off to see a massage therapist at the Massage School in Pharr Texas. He stopped in yesterday hoping to be seen right away but they told him his situation would be better addressed by a graduate rather than a student and I think they are correct. He has a knot in his shoulder that does not want to let go and it is limiting his arm movement.
Do you think it might be too much pool playing? He doesn't.
Last night I called my friend Colleen in Florida and we talked for 3 hours!! We are never caught up, we just take pauses. You might wonder what we talk about for that long and all I can say is we both have additions to our reading lists so we discussed books both old and new. We talked about childhood incidents and impressions. We talked of life and death both old and new.
We talked about aging, its challenges, and delights. And those are the subjects that quickly come to mind. In the summers we used to meet up at 7:00AM on the bike trail and walk for an hour every morning and we both agreed it was the perfect start to a day so last night we just condensed 3 days worth into one 3 hour period.

My bicycle arrived yesterday and Butch got it set up and ready for me to ride. I rode enough to know that I will like it when the weather does a turnaround. Pictures later...

I am doing laundry.

I have the trivia questions and equipment ready for tonight. We will still be in the noisy location.
An alternative location has been proposed so we will be discussing that to see what the majority think of it. Monday afternoon from 3:30 PM to 7:00 pm is open in the main hall and that is the only open time the activity director could find. 3:30 to 6:00 could work but that is a busy time of day for most folks.

I am feeling back to a 99% healthy level. That cold/virus was a nasty one and I am glad it is a part of my past.

Now if the weather would adjust itself all would be just ducky! The weather has for the most part been perfect with daytime temps in the 70's and nighttime temps in the 50's. It has only been the past two days that have gone wonky on us and they say this drudge will be around for a while, like a week at least.

A subject discussed in the 3-hour talk last night. Pay attention, Trivia folk, a question might emerge from it.
From the expression "Stuck in my Craw"
Craw-What is a bird's craw?
In a bird's digestive system, the crop is an expanded, muscular pouch near the gullet or throat. It is a part of the digestive tract, essentially an enlarged part of the esophagus. As with most other organisms that have a crop, the crop is used to temporarily store food. Not all birds have a crop.

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