Wednesday, October 31

Mexico today

Biggest News of the day! We went to Mexico today and when we came home Butch took a nap...and woke up with a head cold!! Not good news for me. I went into warrior mode. Handwashing extraordinaire and doing my best not to touch my face.
We met up with Liz and Dave at Jessica's. Liz was getting dental work done and after spending some time at Jessica's we made the trip down to Hector's. Picked up some meds and learned a thing or two as we always do in our time talking to Hector. In talking about the peso and the state of both countries he suggested I read an article about what is going on in Mexico and how it has set Mexico's economy on its ear. Mexico's president has canceled a big project of building a mega-airport in Mexico City. You can read about it here.
 Here is a picture of Liz and Dave dancing at Jessica's

Other stuff:
I bought a head of cabbage and I do not believe I have ever cut into a head of cabbage as dense as this one. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to cut through it and the resulting coleslaw seemed to be tough. It was better today. I think I will fry the rest of it.

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