Thursday, September 20

Using the Trail?

I biked out to the big bridge today on the bike trail.
When I returned to town I decided to go by Mickey's but she wasn't home. So I came home.
I always have a gazillion things I could do. I never lack for imagination.
It is the gumption that may be lacking. I noticed had an email from son Gary, titled 'Been on your trail '. I knew immediately what he was referring to and answered him right away. Here is our exchange:
From Gary-Was shocked to see this paragraph when reading about the suspect who stabbed to death the Iowa State golfer from Spain.
Two other witnesses told police that Richards asked them for a ride to Jefferson, Iowa, and had given them a knife, according to the complaint. While driving to Jefferson, Richards told the men he needed to return to the homeless encampment because he forgot his tent, according to the complaint.
My answer to him-Yeah, it kind of rocked my world. Ironically, I have just returned from a bike ride, alone, on the trail. I have been reasoning with myself ever since it happened on why I should not be afraid. And then to have two very similar stabbings targeting women in isolated areas doesn't help. But why should it change my way of life? Another instance of male intimidation of women. Maddening to me! Your Dad would not let it stop him from riding the trail if he wanted to and it didn't hurt his man parts.  Did you read how they caught him so quickly? The police were searching the trail next to the golf course. One of the homeless people approached them and asked, "What did he do to her?" So they had name and info almost immediately. This stupid-ass kid was REALLY stupid but obviously quite dangerous. I will continue to ride the trail. After all, he will be in prison now.

Here are pictures I took on the trail and a couple after I returned home.

Northern Flicker

RRVT Bridge

Raccoon River

Colleen gave me the geraniums she had decorated graves with on Memorial day. They were a little worse for wear when I recieved them but have recovered nicely.

"The Pig"

Written yesterday-posted today
Now that I have found this nifty Voice typing tool it has changed the way I do the blog.
Before I would type it directly on the blog entry and then publish it but now I will type it in a
Google document using this voice-to-text tool and then copy and paste it into an entry.  
I then have all my entries in two places, the blog itself and in Google Drive. I like this idea!
Should probably have done it this way for a long time. It is the perfect backup for the blog.
Way back in the early days of doing the blog I would make an extra copy because of losing
it a few times just from accidental deletes.
That doesn't happen so much anymore but it's still nice to have two copies of it.
Paper is cheap on the internet.
Every now and then I think about when I'm actually gone as in deceased and realize
it is probably true that nobody's ever going to look at that blog again.
I have had a great time adding to it all these 16 years. I've done the blog since 2002.
I have kept a journal periodically throughout my life but never for as long as this one. and the internet have made it so easy to do journaling.
I have always thought that everyone ought to do it.
It would so be so easy to catch up on people's lives if they had a journal, even if they used it for just mundane things. I know how it goes though.
I used to keep up with everybody's blog if they had one but as I get older I get busier.
It seems I have less free time. Why I have not yet figured out.
If you are one of my friends who has a Blog, I still check in occasionally. I promise!

There is a learning curve to this tool. However, the more I use it the easier it gets.
That is true of most things.

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