Sunday, September 23


The last two days I have been decluttering. Decluttering is a wonderful experience. It lifts a weight off your shoulders you can't believe unless you get down to doing it.  Yesterday and today I worked on the small room that serves as Butch's office in our closet and a catch-all for everything that we don't know what to do with. I have two large bags full of stuff to take to give to somebody else. I am taking it uptown to the new place that has recycled stuff. It's where the Ben Franklin store used to be. After getting rid of a whole bunch of excess, I sat down at the computer and happened to land upon Howard and Linda Payne’s journal. We met Howard and Linda in Michigan at the Thunder Bay RV Resort in Hillman Michigan. They are a very interesting couple who took to full-timing in their 40s and found ways to make a living. I am putting a link to their latest journal entry in the blog today and it's worth checking out, especially the video. It's about decluttering your life. It fell right into what I was doing the last few days and the elated feeling it gave me.  We also enjoyed the uncluttered life of full-time RVing. It is so easy to accumulate but you just can't do it when you live in an RV. We have always purged every fall getting ready to go south because we would have a ‘table sale’ in Allen hall in Magnolia Park. We would only do it one month out of the year because garage selling is not our favorite thing to do.  This year is different because we will be in a different park and we don't know the routine. So we'll play it safe and dispose of our excess before we leave Iowa. Yeah!!

In case this link doesn't work I'm going to put a direct link to the YouTube video about uncluttering.

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