Thursday, June 28

Hotter than Hades

They are predicting really hot temps for the next few days. I think moderation in all things has been completely removed from the dictionary. The heat was predicted but at the same time, they promised a couple of dry days. Now they say we are not getting that either!
Butch is out on the golf course in his new SUN hat. It could get wet!
He does look good in it. With both of us dealing with skin cancers on our face we are taking a bit more care in protecting ourselves these days.

 I do not do good selfies.

And these are other pics of the last couple of days. The deer were on the trail today when Virginia and I went for our walk.

 And this is a juvenile House Finch. I tried to get a shot of our fountain spurting but could never catch it in mid-spurt. Just not quick enough.

On our walk, Virginia and I discovered we have much in common to our surprise. Virginia was born and raised in Linden Iowa and lived there for the first 50 years of her life, Just a block or two from Butch's uncle and aunt, Albert and Zoe Mix and their daughters Greta Fay and Gwendolyn. We are both former square dancers and remembered dancing to several callers. We very likely could have been at dances together and not even realized it. Our son Jason and her daughter Kathy were in the same graduating class in Panora. Her daughter graduated from Northwest Missouri State where our son Gary graduated from and even though 2 years apart in age they would have been on campus at the same time for part of their time there. It was a fun walk getting acquainted and connecting all the dots.

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