Saturday, June 30

74 at 6:00 AM

I do not do well with heat. At least with cold you can put on more clothing. With heat you can only take off so much without getting arrested. So I decided to get up and water plants first thing. The mosquitoes had a thing or two to say about that as well. Pesky little devils!

We have a little house finch who has taken a liking to our fountain. He perches on the edge and just watches it. We are having a good time watching him!

 Below is a catbird. I wasn't sure what it was but that is where I started looking and sure enough, I was right. Having a bit more confidence in my identifying ability.

I am pretty sure this is our fountain watcher but today he decided to swing.

We are doing inside things with the heat being what it is. Last night we watched the last episode of season 2 of  The Handmaids Tale on Hulu. We can always find something on Netflix or Hulu that we like. I am not sure why but we always have trouble finding something on Amazon. A tip that may work for others is that I do my browsing online (computer) I find it easier than trying to work the remote on the TV to sort through the options. Then I make a list. Often times, after time has gone by, I forget why I may have chosen a selection but it usually is something we like.

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