Friday, May 4


Late yesterday afternoon I spotted Mr. Wren in a tree. He has taken up residence here for several years now. We have a couple of options for him to build his nest and get it ready for Mrs. Wren's approval. Yes, Guys, that is the way it works in the wren world. He works his hiney off getting a house all furnished and arranged. Then she comes round and sees if it works for her. If the answer is yes, she moves in and if it is no, then she moves on and he continues to work.

This morning I see a couple of birds "wrestling" in the tree. Soon one flies off and there sits Mr. Wren! He was victorious and has claimed the territory. His adversary was a song sparrow.
He is the champion!!

And yesterday this guy was getting a snack between rain storms.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
(Melanerpes carolinus)

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