Saturday, March 5

Friday was a day of rest

Marlene and Bernard are here for the month of March so we ventured over to Harlingen for a visit. We got caught up on family news then played some cribbage before having a scrumptious lunch at Los Asados. We returned home late afternoon  and on Friday that can be a deal. But we made it. I was still exhausted from Thursday so I didn't do a thing till bedtime....again!

So now that I am caught up on both blogs, I can stop feeling guilty. I wish there was some way to stretch out the multiple events in this month but I have a feeling I can keep on wishing!

Nearly forgot to tell you about Butch and his phone plus camera. He had his phone in his pocket and kept hearing clicking sounds. He finally investigated and discovered he had been taking pictures of the inside of his pocket. We had issues with this before so I removed his camera from his home page. That took care of part of the problem. Then we started deleting his pocket pics. I would click delete while he dealt the cards and then he would hit delete while I dealt. I am guessing we deleted in excess of 300 pictures. Marlene and Bernard are our witnesses!
So then he says, "But how do I take a picture?" I said, "You don't."

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