Wednesday, July 9

Room with a view-Day 2

Walls are happening on day 2. We were able to open our west door in the living room and step out for a look standing on the floor of the new room. It is very strange looking at our back yard from a new perspective. I am sure we will love it and can hardly wait to see the finished project.
Here are photos of work in progress.

One wall up and two to go!
Russ and Butch


Jeannie and Eldy said...

Always exciting to see a new view and having something done to improve your house! By the way, did the homemade bug stuff work?

Barbara Brooker said...

I mixed up my first batch of bug repellant today. I think it will work but have not given it a good test yet. There is a BIG mosquito in my house named Butch that is repelled by it!