Tuesday, July 1

My Ball is Rolling

I finally stopped into the extension office this morning to propose the idea of a beginner computer class for seniors. They were enthused and it looks like it might actually happen. The person with the last word was not in the office today but they will be in touch with me on Thursday. Yes, I can live without doing this and Butch thinks I am crazy but I enjoy it, keeps me busy and engaged and I get as much out of it in my own way than the students do.

On the way home from the golf course Butch encountered an eagle eating its breakfast in the middle of the road. This was on old Highway 30 if you are familiar with our area. He was impressed with the size of this big old eagle! We went back out to see if it was still eating but by then the buzzards were getting their turn.
 Spotted these blooms on the morning walk with Colleen.

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