Thursday, May 8

Butt Roast

We bought a big butt roast at Fareway yesterday. They were on sale. So early this morning I prepared it for the crockpot and in so doing used my first carrot from the valley. The ones I wrap in foil that last a very long time. This particular carrot was as fresh as the day I wrapped it around the first of April.
So here is the tip: Wrap celery or carrots in aluminum foil and they will last and be fresh for months. I have done it many times over with great success. The secret is to not wash the vegetables ahead of time or if you do make sure they are dry before wrapping. With celery do take it out of the plastic it comes in before wrapping. The celery I used today was purchased at H.E.B. in Weslaco Texas before we left Texas on April 10th and it was just as fresh as the day I bought it. I used a few stalks and returned the wrapped celery back to the fridge for next time. It has been years since I have thrown out celery because it was 'old'. Thought you would like to know...

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