Saturday, February 8


The weather moderated a bit today and tomorrow is supposed to be a jewel with temps in the mid 70's with sunshine! Next Tuesday is another dip but then it looks good for 10 days out with temps staying in the 70's. I really feel bad for people coming to the valley for the first time. They are not getting the best view of this very beautiful place and I could see where they would think we were not worth a second look.
We have been in bad weather mode for what seems like ages. I am hoping we can venture out into the sunshine and do some different activities more in keeping with grilling a burger...or wearing shorts...or watching the bobble heads in the pool. Hopeful...ever hopeful!!

1 comment:

TravelingLongdogs said...

This is my second trip to the Valley and I certainly was hoping for better weather but considering how bad it has been all over the south, it could be worse. Looking forward to a warm couple of days, hoping Tuesday will zip by, and then back to some more typical south Texas weather.
Traveling with the Longdogs (Blog)