Monday, July 22

Missouri Family Vacation in Iowa

Now you know why I have not had any blog entries. Been very busy and very tired when not busy. Butch and I have been resting up today and not doing much of anything. I have many pictures to go through, tweak and decide to keep or discard.
The Missouri kids- minus Brad as he had to work- arrived on Friday evening and we gathered at Jason and Laura's in Boone. Always a good time when we all get together. And Ethan and his mom Nicole were there too adding to the fun. The little ones keep us all entertained and busy!
These kids, Elise, Ethan and Jason all move so fast it is hard to get a picture that is not blurry. Ethan was on the phone with his imaginary friend "Operator".

On Saturday morning we toured the Boone Fire Station mainly because Mike was working and then the whole family could visit with him. The little ones did not want the trucks started up as none of them like loud noises.

Laura, Ethan and Elise look over one of the high dollar fire trucks.

The pole is no longer in use. Considered too dangerous as the newest fireman do not get trained in its proper use.

 No way would they shake this guys hand! But Laura did.

An Iowa Farm Tractor at the Boone County Fair

Jason has become a bit too bulky

The coolest dude at the fair- 3 month old Leo Teeter

Nicole after her sno-cone

Elise and Ethan in the bouncy room

Butch tries to show off his bulk.

More next time...

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