Today we went to South Padre with Dale and Norma after computer class. Our goal was to enjoy shrimp at Dirty Al's and indeed we did. The weather was warm but kind of cloudy and gray. We stopped at Davey Jones Ice Cream Locker after touring the island for a bit. We asked Dave how long Spring break lasted and he said the entire month of March is considered Spring break but he said the week from hell is Easter week when the "elite" of Mexico come north for their vacation. He said, "They unfortunately leave their servants at home but they expect all the population of South Padre to act as servants while they are here". He said they are rude and messy. They eat later than US people descending on a restaurant at 9:00 or 10:00 PM, 20 at a time and then they will order but move around between when they order and when they receive their meal and it drives the waiters and waitresses nuts. In addition they treat staff rudely and are messy. During Spring break the maintenance people clean the beaches once a day but the only time of the year they need to clean them twice a day is when the upper crust of Mexico come to South Padre to visit. Now this is not kids we are talking about. For the most part it is families. Does not make a good impression. When people hate to see you coming it is never good.
We had a fun day on South Padre and I think we would be welcome to return.
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