Saturday, December 1

Oh My Behind

The last few days have been spent getting ready for and attending the one garage sale I participate in each year. Each month the park has a garage sale where association members can rent a table at a nominal fee and display items for sale. December is usually the month I choose to participate so I can get it out of the way. It does shoot the better part of three days however.
Last summer at one of Dagit's auctions we ended up with a big box of kitchen utensils. We paid $2 for it. I brought it down here and set it out  putting a price of 25 cents each on it.  It was the hit of the day. They would stop and start rummaging through the box. Pretty soon they would start laying aside items they wanted. I am sure I made over ten dollars on that box.
And then to top it off I came down with a urinary tract infection last night. I had some meds on hand to help me make it through the night so after the garage sale was wrapped up today we headed for Mexico to get more. While there I picked up some meds for another guy. On the way out The MAN at the gate asked me about them and I told him the truth (Thank GOD). He told me I could only bring back meds for my own use. After a brief lecture he let me go with the medication but said to not do it again. I won't. Butch said I looked sufficiently sheepish. I told Butch it had been a long time but I did remember how to look sheepish.
The view from my window a few mornings ago

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