Friday, May 18


It has been a productive week here at the little house on the Iowa prairie. We have two windows filled in along with other holes that needed filled before we can insulate. I have some annual and perennial  flowers planted. I am holding off on more till the new windows are in because they would get trampled in the process. It looks like electrical is next on the list. Butch has doubts about what is needed but I have it pretty clear in my mind where I want things located so it should go a bit smoother than he thinks. We need to get the electrical boxes and wire in place before insulation too. For me getting it insulated has become a goal of sorts as it should look a whole lot different when that is done. Let's call it a mini-goal.
The weather has been near perfect despite the fact we could use some rain. My rainbarrel was filled early on but I can tell it is getting down because I can wiggle it a bit. Cannot do that when it is full. I could also tell there was not much snow this past winter as the soil has a much different quality than last year. It is dry farther down than normal.
Must get on with the till next time...

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