Friday, December 9


The weekend is approaching and for me it is a quieter time. Oddly enough the flurry of park activity is mostly through the week. The weekend gets here and many people take off for other parts of the valley to do other activities- like South Padre Island where we have not been as yet. It does not look like it will happen this weekend however as we are forecasted rain. Rain has not happened here for quite some time so we cannot fault them for being glad and grateful for the rain despite the fact it is landing here on a weekend.
As Butch and I have traveled around the valley we have noticed the fruit on the trees is very small. At first I thought I was seeing oranges but as it turned out we were seeing grapefruit. Grapefruit needs rain at the right times like any other crop but it also needs a cold snap. It makes the fruit sweeter. I believe they harvest 3 crops from the trees in one year. I do not think the current crop will be one they brag about.
The latest member of the family. A gift from Donn and Peggy. 

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