Tuesday, December 6

Thought for today

I was thinking this morning that it is coming up on 10 years of keeping this blog! Can you believe it? I hardly can. I remember how excited I was to start it and thought what a fun way to journal our life. At first there wasn't a way to add pictures but that came along. And it made it much easier for me. If I were too busy to write much then I could slap on a couple of pictures in a hurry. Then people started telling me they really liked the pictures. They are worth a thousand words. Lately I have written more than posting pictures. We have been in sunny South Texas for so many years now that I most likely have taken pictures of many of the local attractions. And we have become so enmeshed in the park and it's activities that we rarely leave it. It might sound a bit like I plan to end it and that is not it at all. The fun stuff and interesting posts may not be as plentiful as in years past but I plan to continue as long as my chubby little hands can hit a keyboard.
December is a busy month in the park and my duties as president of the association sometimes leaves me little time and if you feel the need to give me a nudge or if there is something you would like to know more about do not hesitate to let me know.
I will just keep blogging along!

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