Tuesday, November 1

Nice day

They say this is the warmest day we will have for quite awhile in Iowa. Butch and I went for our morning walk and have plans to get in a second one because of the forecast for tomorrow. Highs in the 40's! That is like one of the worst days in the Rio Grande Valley. Lucky us.
On our walk I seemed to see an inordinate amount of discarded empty cigarette packs so we started counting them and in  a 6-7 block span we counted 9!  Could we assume that if you smoke you might also litter? I won't assume.
Butch went to Leo's and borrowed his leaf blower. He is out now blowing leaves around. He isn't picking them up-just blowing them around.
1. The Brookers have a lot of time on their hands.
2. They are easily entertained.

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