Wednesday, May 18

Settling in

It takes longer some places than others to settle in. Most everywhere it takes about a week. You have to settle in to a new routine getting situated as to how, when, where and why you will get things done. It is naturally taking longer here because this workamping situation is for us and we are fussier than most bosses. wink,wink.
Walked across town yesterday and it seemed like a short walk. I suppose because there is so much to look at and so many different routes a person can take and I haven't even been on the bike trail yet.

We leveled up the kids trailer yesterday and I plan to get to work on it today, airing it out, dusting etc. on the inside and seeing what it might take to clean the outside getting it ready to serve as a guest house.

I have some blue painters tape somewhere in this motorhome. I started my search this morning. So far no luck. I now know why my mother had multiples of everything. She could not find the one she already had so she bought another one. I am about ready to buy another one.
View from classmate Denise's kitchen window

Jefferson's carillon tower. Sings to us every day.

Our mini RV park. Taken from the back door of our house.

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