Tuesday, May 17

Monday and a bit of Tuesday

My laundry was way behind so that was my plan for the day yesterday. I have a nice clothesline and all of our clothes fit on it. Mother Nature makes a very good drier. Butch spent his day taking off trim boards. Leo stopped by and used his handy truck to get Gary and Susan's travel trailer parked in site 2 of our mini RV park. So we are much closer to being drop-in ready for guests.
Last nights supper was a bit of a debacle. I planned on Spaghetti and meatballs but after getting it started I noticed the spaghetti sauce was questionable in quality so I switched  the sauce to tomato soup/mushroom soup/vegetable soup. Not one of my better attempts at winging it.
After supper we went to Jefferson's Middle school gymnasium for a Simon Estes performance. The South  African kids that he sponsors were performing and they were really the main focus of the show. Leo's wife Keri plays the piano and Simon had noticed her skills on a previous visit to Jefferson and asked her to accompany him at this performance. What an honor! It was a great show!
Butch and I walked to the school and back home again. One of my goals in being in Jefferson was being within walking distance of EVERYTHING! That too is a treat. We walked to all these same places as kids and didn't think a thing of it.  It felt really good to get back to walking. This morning I need to get a check to a former classmate for my upcoming class of '61 reunion and I plan to walk to her place to give it to her. I am so grateful I can!! Then we will walk back home and start to work with renewed vigor.
Our Direct TV guy was here and installed our dish bright and early this morning. His efficiency was super!! We were impressed!!
Pictures of our mini RV park will soon be forthcoming so stay tuned...

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