Thursday, April 14

Bob Passed

Bob passed away yesterday and they had trouble getting a hold of me. Apparently it went straight to voicemail so I didn't get the message until this morning when I turned on the phone. So we went to Atlantic today. Bob told me he had his funeral all paid for. Wrong! All he had paid for was his cremation. He is $650 short just to get the bare essentials done like paying the medical examiner and paying the $13 for his death certificate. So I went to his bank to find out how much he had left in his account. $500. A memorial service is not planned at this time. I thought he had it all planned and paid for right down to the music. He sort of did but it wasn't all paid for. He had two options when he set it up and he went for the cheaper one. We are not legally libel for any of it but we will pay the difference so the funeral home isn't out that money It is very typical of Bob and his life and how he lived it.
In the last 3 months he purchased a lift chair for a thousand. The lift chair was donated to the nursing home due to our lifestyle and logistics, we thought that was best.
This message makes me look like a hard hearted witch and perhaps I am. I guess I will have to live with that.
I am sitting here with my finger on the button to post this message...or not. Oh well, I am pretty much an open book and now isn't any different. It is what it is and I feel exactly this way so I am owning up to it.

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