Thursday, July 18

Loose Ends

 We have been taking care of loose ends. My computer chores take longer and longer each year. Add in a Doctor appt or two and I can get way behind. Yesterday was my annual cardiology appointment. I had a carotid test added to a echo test and then a visit with the doctor. Shot the heck out of the morning. All is well. Afterward we did some shopping and shot the rest of the day.

Today was a follow-up with Butch. He was having some respiratory issues and he didn't think he was coming along as well as he should, made the appointment a couple of days ago. And you guessed it! He was feeling much better today. Kept the appointment anyway and has confirmed he is better. 

I had a rough patch with my pool game. Butch kept telling me it was the "F" word...'focus' and he was right but it took a couple of weeks for me to believe him. It is much better now and I am on the right track. It makes my days much brighter and less stressful.

This was taken last year. Butch in his windowless cubbyhole and on his computer. It was shortly after this that I organized his desktop. Can't tell it now though. He will tell you that he knows where everything is and he probably does. His eyes are not sore but mine are! ❤

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