Sunday, May 12

In Your 80's...

 It does something to you being in your 80-decade. My friend Mickey went through all of her pictures distributing some and disposing of the rest and after mulling it over she is on the right track. I have 3 tubs of photos and other memorabilia. And that would take someone many hours to go through and the many decisions connected with that could be overwhelming. So I decided to tackle the process.  I have been saying that for many years but today I took action. I am one tub down and being ruthless.

I found some things I cannot yet part with. 1. Christmas letters from 1985 to 1999 when I started doing them on the computer. 2. My baby shoes. 3. 40th Anniversary scrap books(2) I made at that time.

Jason brought me a Mother's Day gift that knocked my socks off! It is something I have looked at, liked, and longed for but too tight to buy.

Now Jason has the ability to make one of these himself and he did add some features. He bought it from a friend and got the friend discount. And it has lit a fire under him to do some of this art that will be "all Jason". I have been waiting for him to do this!

While Jason was here he looked at the scrapbooks I had made around the time of our 40th anniversary and he said they needed to be kept. And they will. 

Starting the process of deciding what is left after I/we are gone has become a new project and I am excited about it. I am looking forward to the extra space it will provide. I like to be a minimalist and when the clutter bit starts to take hold, it lights a fire under me!

On my walk today I took some trail and tree pics but they can wait till the next post.

My baby shoes...

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