Tuesday, May 14

I'm a Writer...

I AM a writer! You might say "So?". The surprise is that I am just now realizing that fact. Definition: "A writer is someone who writes regularly and consistently, someone who engages in the process." Never been published by anyone except an occasional news clip. But then I never planned to be a writer. For me, it started as a way to get my point across when no one seemed to be listening. I never planned for it to be more than that.

But here we are knee deep in the past, trying to minimize what we leave behind and I run into my writings. I guess you would call them journals. They started when I was a young mother and wife. I haven't run across the very first one I started yet but I know it is in a tub somewhere and I remember it because in it I write about asking permission to visit a friend. Who do I ask? Butch! This was what you did as a wife in the fifties! When I found that journal many years later I could not believe those words ever came out of my mouth! 

Moving on...
I know I have at least 3 journals that were designed for making entries every day. My sister-in-law Jo Brooker had these too. I haven't run across mine yet but I will. I only quit doing that because the company who made them went out of business.

And then I did find a journal I kept while taking classes at Iowa Western Community College in Atlantic Iowa. We lived in Cumberland Iowa at the time and I needed something to do so I enrolled in some classes, English Comp and  American Lit. I took others too but these were the two that touched my heart. I didn't get a degree but I did get an education.

I may find more as I keep digging. As you already know the Internet changed everything and in 2002 I started a blog. They are still in existence of course and can be found at www.brooker3.blogspot.com. I cannot even imagine how long it would take to read them all. My soul purpose has always  been to express myself and it remains so today. I am flattered when someone reads it but the choice is always yours. When you start your journal/blog lead me to it and I will always read it.

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