Saturday, December 28


 I feel like I am pedaling as fast as I can and getting nowhere fast! Really, I think it is an age factor because I am doing far less than I did 10 years ago. I am happy.  I rarely do anything I don't want to do. In fact, I don't!

I am playing pool more than usual. Renie and I are partnered up for Team play outside the park and we are learning each other's game and having fun doing it. By playing some every day we are making so much more progress.

Tomorrow is the last Sunday mixed doubles of the month so therefore will not be mixed. The last Sunday of the month we play with whoever we sign up with so Butch and I will be partners. We have been partners working together for coming on 66 years so I think we got this! Win or lose, it will be fine!

Every day at 4:00 pm we go next door to Sandi and Bill Danielson's place for "Happy Hour". It is different from many other concepts of "Happy Hour". It lasts for ONE hour. No food...most of the time. And you bring your own drink. No politics, no gossip or any other tension-producing subjects. We learn something new every day. It is amazing and a great way to end the social part of the day.

Wednesday, December 25

Alva Millard

 Alvie, as he was known by most, was a classmate of mine and a brother to Darrel Millard who was also a classmate of mine. Darrel and his wife Linda winter with us in Trophy Gardens in Alamo Texas. Last season another brother Ivan and his wife Kathy also wintered here.

I am telling you this because I was very impressed with Alvie's obituary and wanted to share it with all of you. It is one of the best obituaries I have read in a long time. I knew Alvie nearly all my life and yet I did not know him. 

Alvie Millard Obituary

Alvie Millard, 82 of Jefferson, passed away December 19, 2024 at his home.

Alva (Alvie) Ernest Millard was born March 30, 1942, son of James and Mary (Morlan) Millard. Alvie was the oldest of six children. He attended school in Jefferson until he started his working years at age 16.

Alvie married Bobbi Anderson in 1965 and they had two sons, Kenny and Joey. Alvie married Tonya Adams in 1982 and they had a daughter, Angela and a son, Blake.

Alvie was a great provider for his family. He worked at Oscar Mayer in Perry for 27 years and Fareway warehouse in Boone for an additional 14 years.

Alvie enjoyed gardening and canning, fishing, coin finding with his metal detector and decorating the house for Christmas. There were several years his house was lit up like the Griswold’s. Alvie had a passion for taking care of cats and had at least one cat for a pet at all times.  Christmas was Alvie’s favorite holiday. He would drive around town looking at lights and kept his house decorated with the tree up for a long time.

Alvie had unique talents such as playing the mouth harp, yodeling and auctioneering. He loved singing and roller skating; he was a fast skater and could even skate backwards.

Alvie is survived by his siblings Darrel (Linda) Millard, Phyllis Mischke, Ivan (Kathy) Millard, Eva (Jerry) Radcliffe, and Avis (Roger) Moranville and his children Kenny Millard of Grand Junction, Joey (Mary) Millard of Rippey, Angela (Dave) Milakovich, and Blake Millard of Jefferson. He is also survived by grandchildren Kimberly (Mason) Cole, Ashley Millard, Dylan Hofbauer, Destiny Hofbauer, Bently Hofbauer, Nataliya Milakovich, and Gianna Milakovich. great grandson Xane Cole. He is preceded in death by his parents.

A Memorial Service will be 10:30 am Friday, December 27, 2024 at the First United Methodist Church in Jefferson, Iowa. Burial will take place at Wright Cemetery, Jefferson, Iowa. The family will be present to greet friends on Thursday from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Slininger-Schroeder Funeral Home in Jefferson.  In lieu of flowers, the family of Alvie Millard kindly requests that donations be made to PAWS, an organization close to their hearts.

Slininger-Schroeder Funeral Home is assisting the family. Online condolences may be left at


 We are celebrating in our small home in Sunny South Texas where the temperature is predicted to be 89 degrees. At this writing it is 71 at 10:45 AM. In South Texas sometimes Christmas day is a bit chilly and some years it is downright balmy.

Our weeks are busy and they do fly by so Christmas day is a respite for us. Staying home, and cooking Turkey for two is a treat. 

Hope everyone can do what they choose to do, making it a Merry Christmas indeed.

And as I end almost everything I write, Best Wishes Always!

Saturday, December 21

Women's League

Women's Pool League in the Rio Grande Valley. Front row left is Barb B. Barb U. is behind me peaking around and Renie S. is far right.

There are 7 two-person teams representing 7 parks in the valley. We could use one more team to even things out. We did okay for being newbies. Played 6 games in all and won 3.

Friday, December 20

Sharon and Camden

This pic makes me smile!
This is a picture of our friend, Sharon Mcquillen with her great-grandson Camden.

Thursday, December 19

Womens league play.

 Barb Utech, Renie Stinson and I went to Magic Valley Resort to play in the women's league. Barb Utech and I played Alamo Palms the first 3 games and we won 2 of the 3. Renie and I played the second 3 games and won 1 against Alamo Rose. This was a double session because of the holidays. Normally we would play 5 games against another park. The scoring is different for us too. The winning team gets 10 points while the losing team gets the balls that they were able to get off the table, as little as 0 at most 7. I played well and that is my way of being happy with the outcome. For me, the score is secondary to how I played.

We play each week on Wednesdays in different parks. Trophy will be hosting on Wednesday, February 5th.

We had a good time and feel as though we could hold our own with the women who have been playing for decades.

Friday, December 13

Slow down!

 I want the world to slow down so we can savor what we enjoy. I'm aware that is a pipe dream, but I think that nearly every day. There are those who try to participate in nearly every activity. They must not be the savoring type or they are much better than I am at compartmentalizing.

There is a stark contrast between our Iowa life to our Texas life and believe it or not I enjoy both places!

We recycle in both places. Jefferson Iowa has made it so simple by providing a large container and picking up as often as once a month if needed. It is also simple here but in a different way. We have a container we have designated as our recycle tote. Once it is full we take it to a drive-thru recycle center where we place things in the well-marked locations. It takes less than 5 minutes. It makes us feel better to know we are doing what we can to keep our planet alive and healthy. What now goes to the landfill is a fraction of what we used to send there.

I want to find time to declutter our living quarters and currently that is the only thing on my agenda. It took a long time to get here. So while Butch is playing league pool this afternoon I hope to make some progress. Until then I plan to go to the pool hall and get some practice in.


Saturday, December 7

Lazy or Overbooked?

 Dear Blog, 

You have been my lifeline to friends and family for 24 years. I feel so guilty when you slip by the wayside and it happens more frequently. Once again, I  will promise to do better. My week has contained quite a few things. Most of them fun.

Your creator,

Barb B.

Last Sunday at mixed doubles Butch and I were both in the top level of winners. Sunday Pool is fun as you play with a different partner each week and it is a different way to learn more about the people you play with.

Monday and Tuesday are ladies' days in the pool hall. The number of women taking advantage of this is disappointing. It points out the multitude of activities we all have access to and choosing what gets on your personal list is always a challenge.

Tuesday night is also trivia night and we have a respectable number showing up each week. It should pick up after the holidays as more people trickle in from the north. Still we have had 3 or 4 teams each week consistently. Renie has adjusted her own list of activities and resigned from trivia as my scorekeeper. We were lucky to get a new scorekeeper right away, Joyce Bromley. Joyce was looking for a place to volunteer and we filled the bill. Last week was her first time alone and she did very well.

Wednesday morning 3 of us went to check things out in the women's pool league we have joined out of the park. We now have a better feel for what is expected of us and how we will fit in.

Thursday Butch and I went to Nuevo Progreso Mexico. Our agenda went as planned...almost. First, we went down to see our old friend Hector and stock up on some needed meds. Always informational talking to Hector. It is a half-mile walk to his place but always worth the trip. Then we walked back to where all the tourists mingled and found our pedicure place. They were without electricity! But still, we had a most wonderful pedicure by flashlight; each and every toe was thoroughly massaged, trimmed, and defoliated. It felt like I had been gifted with new and happy feet. We made our way to Jessica's for lunch but the power outage took them out of business so we crossed back to US soil and went to the Alamo Restaurant in Alamo for lunch. It, too was delicious! It was a most pleasant day!

After lunch, we stopped at H.E.B. to stock up on a few items. On the way in I saw this pickup and simply had to take a picture of it.
Despite the look on his face, he seemed to be comfortable!

Friday is one of Butch's regular pool league days so it was a good day for me to catch up on things. He promises we will get some pool in today.
Till next time...

Monday, December 2

Mom's Best Meatloaf

 In my youth my mother made meatloaf on a regular basis. Didn't everyone's Mom?  I found this recipe a few years back. It is tried and true and my one and only. Butch's favorite too and everyone knows how picky he is! Simple is often the best way to go.


Mom's Meat Loaf Recipe

TOTAL TIME: Prep: 15 min. Bake: 1 hour + standing

MAKES: 6 servings


  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten

  • 3/4 cup milk

  • 2/3 cup finely crushed saltines

  • 1/2 cup chopped onion

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon rubbed sage

  • Dash pepper

  • 1-1/2 pounds lean ground beef (90% lean)

  • 1 cup ketchup

  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar

  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce


  1. Preheat oven to 350°. In a large bowl, combine the first seven ingredients. Add beef; mix lightly but thoroughly. Shape into an 8x4-in. loaf in an ungreased 15x10x1-in. baking pan.

  2. In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients, stirring to dissolve sugar; remove 1/2 cup for sauce. Spread remaining mixture over meat loaf.

  3. Bake 60-65 minutes or until a thermometer reads 160°. Let stand 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with reserved sauce. Yield: 6 servings.

Originally published as Mom's Meat Loaf in Taste of Home June/July 1997, p35

Saturday, November 30

Lithium batteries and other news

 We have decided to change to lithium batteries in our Texas golf cart.

1. They are less expensive

2. They last longer (perhaps 10 years)

3. They weigh less

4. Do not need charged as often

5. They are faster and I don't care about that one.

They are arriving today.

We are having a bit of a cold wave in South Texas. It was 59 degrees this morning and is not expected to get much warmer today. The cold waves are more frequent and colder than they used to be. I remember when we were first coming down here in the winter, I would bring one pair of jeans, just in case, and now I have several.

As interpreted these days a cold spell is in the low 70's in the day and low 50's at night and that would be a normal cold/cool spell. Once in a while there might be a bonafide wingding of a cold front but those still only happen once or twice per  season and then only for a day or two. When that happens Chili will be brewing in nearly every household!

I have new glasses, purchased at Costco. After shopping around, Costco was the place. 

Not much can be done at a certain age. Pretty is out of the question. So we are settling for pleasant. It seems my lips have disappeared completely. Inside I am in my prime.😊 Too much info... I know

Thursday, November 28

Thanksgiving Day!

Boy oh Boy! My Thanksgiving day is starting off great. I have been trying off and on to get Alexa hooked up down here with difficulty! It seems she wanted to stay in Iowa where she knew how to connect to the internet. I tried to show her the way many times but no, she would not let it happen. We even took her to a T-Mobile spot and they assured me she was fixed but she wasn't when we brought her home. I had an inkling it was a setting issue somewhere in the system. I would fiddle a bit and then feel like I was closer many times and this morning my fiddling worked.

Fiddling has been my main system for taking care of tech problems for all my years of teching. It just takes longer now for things to click into place. It takes longer to do everything!!

We are staying home this Thanksgiving without plans to do anything in particular. I have several small tasks I would like to take off my todo list.

My gratitude list is extremely long and something I think of every day, not just on Thanksgiving.

I hope all of our friends and family are doing precisely what they want to do this Thanksgiving day and every other day as well.

Wednesday, November 27



You can never tell what important things you might find out at Happy Hour. A few days ago, a neighbor came and said, "I have a question I need to ask." I said, "You have come to the right place!" That was a few days ago, and for the life of me, I do not remember what she asked, but I am sure she was able to get an answer.

Yesterday at happy hour we got stuck on "Rhubarb"; where it grows and the many ways to use it. And then the recipes using it were bandied about followed by pineapple and mandarin orange territory. You can never tell what sorts of tidbits will come in handy and add to your personal book of knowledge.
A while back, Butch came home from happy hour and told me what deer hunters need to know about hunting and preparing the meat without ruining it for human consumption. It is a fact the path to making it tasty is in the very beginning.
It seems more than one kind of recipe is being shared at happy hour.


Rhubarb PuddingIMG_20170426_182120.jpg

3 C. Rhubarb, Coarsely Chopped

1 C. Sugar

1/4 t Cinnamon

Dabs Of Butter

1 Egg

1 C. Flour

1/2 C. Milk

1 t Baking Powder

1 C. Sugar

A very old family favorite.

Place the first 4 ingredients in an 8" x 8" pan. Mix together the remaining

ingredients and pour evenly over the rhubarb mix. Bake 45 min. at 350 deg.

Cover the first 30 minutes.

Barb B. ~I cut back on the sugar these days and mix some stevia in there.

Monday, November 25

Laura's Buck

 Jason and Laura were driving through The Ledges State Park near Boone when she got this great shot of a deer. Laura and I share a love of photography and this is a super duper shot on many levels.

Smoothly progressing

 I think things are progressing smoothly, and even as I type, I wonder what I have forgotten.

We played pool yesterday as partners and Butch and I did well considering our 2 losses were unavoidable. In the first loss, they broke and ran the table and in the second loss I broke but did not make a ball on the break so they then ran the table. Cannot feel bad about that kind of loss. If I am playing well I do not beat myself over any loss. Playing well is good enough for me.

We are in the midst of changing out our Golf cart batteries. It is an expensive process no matter how or when. We are transitioning from lead-acid batteries to lithium batteries. The reasons for doing so are longer life (10 years), charging less often, and increased speed. We do not need the last one, but it comes with the package. All this takes some time.

The time is whizzing by! The busier we are the faster it goes. We need to schedule a Mexico trip. Let's see...Thursdays are our clearest day but it is Thanksgiving this week. And that is how it goes!

Saturday, November 23

Crafty Changes

 I have a list of crafts I have done over the years, and I have reached the age and knowledge of myself to know that some of them are in my past and will stay there. One of them is Swedish Weaving. I loved it. I still vividly remember the woman who inspired me to take it up, Dorothy Wendt.

I have a large supply of everything needed to do Swedish Weaving. All of the monks' cloth has been edged, washed, and ready for inspiration. I also have bodkins, patterns, and instruction books and a few starter kits. There are two tubs of supplies. I am offering it all for $125.00 or best offer. Contact me at or text me including the word Swedish Weaving to 515-441-9984

Thursday, November 21


 Either there are dozens of ideas for posts or nearly none. Lately, there has been an abundance.

Artist Jason Brooker's latest creation is pictured below.

If you have any old silverware you are looking to discard contact me.

Susan is retiring!

This is a test. I am hoping my blog readers can go to the link without being Facebook members. But if that does not work I will find a different path.

Wink's Butterfly

 Wink and Dot are backdoor neighbors of ours here in Trophy. They live here year-round. It is well-known that the Rio Grand Valley is on the byway for Monarch butterflies heading for their winter homes in Mexico. Wink caters to their needs by planting the right kind of stuff for them around his home thus making it an ideal place to watch the Monarchs. Recently he spotted a larvae on a bush so he snipped it and put it in a mason jar.

 This is what the larvae looked like. I did not take this photo. 

This is what the cocoon looked like. I didn't take this one either, but I wanted to show you what we saw. These are exactly as they appeared. Wink brought it to happy hour periodically so we could see the progress.

This last picture was taken by Sandi, the hostess of happy hour and she sent it to me so I could share it with you. Wink and Dot were able to watch the process. Dot said Wink felt like a father as he watched the "birth" of his Monarch when they released it and watched it fly over the top of their house headed south to Mexico.
We all enjoyed the journey with him!

Wednesday, November 20

Trivia Host at Trophy Gardens.

Hosting Trivia on 11/19/2024

Curdled Necks

 Gary and Jason did not like sweaters, particularly "turtle necked" ones. I took this picture of them in 1968. They called them "Curdled Necks".

Saturday, November 16

A Ray of Light

Greatgrands- Elise and Leo. Their Mom takes pic's of them each October and this is my favorite one from this year, 2024.

Friday, November 15

Cool Down

 I had to cool off before posting again, and I was only partially successful. Watching the fall of the United States Empire will never be easy.

Butch and I are keeping ourselves busy and that is easy down here. Trivia is still a popular activity. Not everyone is here yet and we had 3 teams of 8. Lots of laughter!

Butch and I are both playing pool which is not news to anyone. It is a hit-or-miss event for both of us, pun intended.

We have not been to Mexico yet. It gets to be a challenge to work everything in. Thursdays used to be our most free day. Still true, I think.

I had 3 skin biopsy's done. Have not heard the results yet. Butch came through okay on that visit and his eye appointment went well too. It seems the "Health Wagon" is running smooth this far. Oh yes! I nearly forgot my butt. It has healed to the point I no longer think about it! All's well, that ENDS well! Get it?

So our life here is somewhat repetitive doing the things we enjoy doing and trying to keep those negative state-of-the-union things out of mind somewhat successfully.

Till next time...

Friday, November 8

I bounce around

The five stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance – are often talked about as if they happen in order, moving from one stage to the other. 

The "I told you so's" will be painful for both of us.

Thursday, November 7

The Day the Country Died

He is demented but you voted for him anyway.

He cannot put a sentence together but you voted for him anyway.

His children should be taking his keys away but you voted for him anyway.

He believes everything he sees on TV but you voted for him anyway.

He has clarified what he plans to do but you voted for him anyway.

He is the worst person on the planet to be running a country but you voted for him anyway…

in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

I cannot, will not, and do not forgive you.

Because of you, I will be watching the final destruction and demolition of our country. When a disaster strikes he will be saying, “ oh well, sucks to be you!” When dignity is part of his “job” he will fail. When empathy is required he will fail. When grownup decisions need to be made he will fail. He will represent you on the world stage but embarrass the rest of us.

It saddens me deeply to realize there are more of you in this country than us.

That being said I must deal with it. It means I will once again have to narrow my world to what I can handle while holding back tears of despair. I am not there yet. You have no idea what you have set in motion.

Tuesday, November 5


 ...was the first day I could sit down without giving it a bunch of thought. I am happy for the day. 

Butch and I had a Dermatologist appointment yesterday. He did pretty well for Butch considering all the years he worked outdoors. I had three places biopsied. It doesn't concern me as they usually come clean. Hopefully in 3 weeks we get the word, then schedule our next appointment for next Spring just before we head North.

Butch has an eye appt on the 11th. When we get these two done it will be the cleanest, healthiest year we have had for some time. I hope I haven't spoken too soon. We always need to be ready for those curve balls.

Our place has been power washed and we have things once again arranged in the way that works for us. 

Now it is letting the fun begin!

Saturday, November 2

Butt Update

 Yup, it is still hanging in there. I think it should be much better than it is but I am learning to live with it. My best place to be is in bed but what kind of life is that? I am playing pool and Butch told me today that I am playing well. Now isn't that a shocker! It does seem to be a bit better each day. My butt,that is.

Tomorrow the house washer guy shows and then we can finish settling in with getting chairs and tables out of the utility room and setting up the deck. I put my NuWave oven on the deck and do my cooking out there. It gives me more space in the kitchen.

Happy hour at 4:00 is in full swing. One of our regulars received word that her sister lost her house and all of her belongings in a house fire. So the new plan is for her to come here and buy a place. She was nearing retirement anyway so this pushed it up a notch. This way she will be close to her sister for help with her recovery. Even if she ultimately decides to go somewhere else, it will make a great transitional plan.

Wednesday, October 30

Time slips away

 We are mostly settled in. Our 'Southern Plantation' will get washed on Sunday and then we can put the finishing touches on the moving in process. Last season there was a strong restriction on water and now when we have someone come in to wash our mobiles they must bring their own water. The restrictions, although lifted a bit, have caused a back-up in getting our places cleaned and that is why it is happening on a Sunday. We will be glad to get it done!

Butt update: Still hurts a bit but only now and then. The odd thing, at least to me, is that I can poke around on the outside and it doesn't hurt at all. The hurt is internal and can often be the result of internal cramping. Ice packs do help. Still needs pain pills but only a couple of times a day. I am not being stopped from doing what I want to do and that to me is a win/win.

I have played pool with my partner Linda G. a couple of days and it has went well. League will start the first week of December.

I get hungry for vegetables and Butch is not a fan so recently I bought a package of frozen stir-fry veggies and I look upon it as a solution. I can skillet fry enough for me, throw a helping of corn or peas at Butch and the problem is solved. They were delicious!

Trivia starts November 12th and thanks to my up-north players I have plenty of sessions all lined up. After putting them together for eight years I am ready to recycle and rest on my laurels. I will stick a current question in now and then.

Till next time...

Friday, October 25

We are here and...

We are safe. We have arrived! Drove in dense fog for a fair share of the morning but all went well and we arrived about 1:00. Butch is busy trying to get the golf cart started. His priorities can be a bit wonkie at times. One of us left the refridge freezer closed so I had a mildew mess to bleach out first. It was mostly in the freezer part and not really bad but definitely something to make note of next Spring. We are going to supper with Danielsons. I am hooked up to our internet and it is running smoothly! I do not have Butch hooked up yet. Maybe when He lets the golf cart rest. 

You most likely will not hear more from me until we feel settled in.❤

Thursday, October 24

Better Butt

 My injury is slowly getting better and I can tell an improvement each day. So far I have not met with too many obstacles. I can stand, walk, and sleep easily with little to no pain. Sitting is the one thing that gives me the most challenge. Needless to say, I am more cautious than I have been in the past. Getting old isn't easy!


 I caught up on computer work yesterday and when Butch and Terry returned from playing golf we went to T-Mobile and signed up for Internet with them. I am extremely pleased with the outcome. For some reason, it is called the 'Home' plan. We have what they call a Gateway. The woman who helped me was efficient and helpful. Being an IT guy, Terry helped me set it up when we returned. This way I will have Internet immediately when we arrive in Alamo and then when we return to Iowa I will take it with me and have the same Internet there. My Intenet bill will drop from $100.90 to $60 a month. Jefferson Telecom lost a customer. I don't think it will hurt them much. I asked Beka what it was costing me to get all this started and she said $0. The $60 a month is ALL I will be paying and the first autopay will be November 14th. So as long as I have electricity I will have unlimited Internet wherever I go. Can't beat it with a stick!! In case you think I went blindly into this, I had good recommendations from some Trophy people. Thanks to Liz and Chico!

Butch and Terry went golfing again today. Butch and I will be leaving here in the morning (Friday the 25th) heading to the RGV and our Southern plantation where we will be 'planted' for about 6 months.

Wednesday, October 23

And then it...

 ...was the third travel day from the Winstar Casino (The Inn) at Thackerville OK to the Linder residence at Canyon Lake TX. Oklahoma roads leave much to be desired. No matter where we are if we encounter a stretch of bad road we say they went to the Oklahoma School of Roadbuilding. Texas has good roads, always has.

It was a smooth ride to Canyon Lake, and it has been a great time getting all the news about people we mutually know with Terry and Lisa. We found out they will return to the Rio Grande Valley in February, staying for a month at Alamo Rose. We also have friends Sherri and Sam coming to the valley in late March for three or four days with us in Trophy Gardens.

My Butt: It does seem to be getting gradually better. It doesn't bother me to sleep at all. Tylenol Extra Strength has become my new best friend. I can stand and walk without pain, but sitting is another ball of wax. Jason told me that a guy he worked with who had an injured coccyx was that way; he could stand at work all day but sitting was a problem. I don't have proof but I do think that is what I am dealing with.

To back up a bit, we stopped in Mineral Wells, Texas for breakfast yesterday and we asked a woman on the street where would be a good breakfast place. She said "Happy Days Diner" and she was right! They had a senior menu with $8 meals and we both had an omelet. It was perfect in every way. Mineral Wells was a thriving city in the past with a huge hotel. They are doing their best to revive their town, much like Jefferson IA. I did think Jefferson could do a thing with a Barbie theme. Most of Jefferson was shocked to find that "Barbie" was such a draw. A Barbie themed restaurant would be great if we could get it off the ground! That and staying open on weekends.

We like to take HWY 281 to get to South Texas and it has been newly refurbished. What a smooth ride!!

Next stop, the Rio Grande Valley either Thursday or Friday.

Sunday, October 20

Unexpected Occurrence

 The guys, Gary and Butch, played golf yesterday so the rest of us went shopping, after which we went to the Teeter residence for supper and to see the new addition to the family. 3 goats and five kittens!

Amanda, Leo and Susan with the goats, Buffy, Bob and Billy.



All three!

And here is Butch with three of the 5 kittens.


And then I fell! We were headed back to the house and they had a big cement step to get on the patio and the back door. Leo tried to help me but I fell backwards onto the ground and hurt my butt. It was immediately painful, but I am doing quite well with ice packs, hot packs, and Tylenol extra strength. In my Fall checkup, the doctor asked me if I had any falls in the past year and I happily told her 'No'. I can no longer say that. I have one more day that I can baby the injury and then I will have to figure out how to travel in the car comfortably. It will be FINE!

Thursday, October 17

Tough to Keep Track

 For instance, I had a visit from a long-lost cousin of mine on my father's side. My father was adopted at 3 months old by Sam and Anna Brock, mainly because his mother, Pearl Beason Van Horn passed away. My birth grandfather was a twin, Walter Van Horn. His twin brother was Wesley Van Horn and my cousin Denise Bush is in the Wesley line. We had a great visit Denise and I. She had arranged a visit to the museum so I went along. We learned that southern Greene County was a big coal mining area and 5000 people called SOUTH Greene County home at one time. Our great uncle, Billy Van Horn led a rescue mission with his sled dog Buddy to get supplies to the people in the southern part of our county during the famous blizzard of 1936. 

We then bopped out to the cemetery and I showed Denise where Pearl Van Horn was buried. I learned a lot on that serendipitous day!

My intention a few days ago was to share the above information. 

Today is "last minute get ready to leave" time. We have the Pool Hall all tucked in for the winter. Foodstuffs are whittled down to nearly nothing. Karla and Devon stopped for a visit last night and that helped, along with the fact that we had not seen either of them for a long time. It was good to catch up.

I am doing laundry on clothes and bedding today. Butch has nearly all the things he needs to do before morning done.

Internet will be off and on for us until we arrive in South Texas and that might take a full week. So till next time!!

Wednesday, October 16


 It has been a hectic two weeks, with some appointment or task on every one of the days. But the day of departure is close.

Yesterday Butch needed to get another cortisone shot in his leg. We went to Ames IA for that, after which we met up with Jason and Laura. Watcha Smokin in Luther Iowa was where we went for lunch. It was our first time there and it was packed! Luther is a very small town and one would never imagine a waiting line in a small Iowa town on a Tuesday! We were told it would be 20 to 25 minutes. Their parking lot was full to overflowing and after we were seated a tour bus pulled in. When going to a new restaurant, especially a busy one it helps a great deal to go with people who have been there and liked it. It was one I would gladly go to again. I had brisket (fatty) mac and cheese and cole slaw. Cornbread is served with all meals. Jason and Laura suggested the fatty brisket.  Fatty Brisket is what I will always order in any brisket place! It makes a world of difference in taste and satisfaction. I was never fond of brisket before, too dry, tasteless and hard to chew.

Just for kicks and giggles I looked up the population of Luther and it is 147!

After lunch we meandered through the Ledges State Park. It is peak time for leaf color and the Ledges are always special! We had a discussion about the name and here is what I found:

Ledges State Park is named after the prominent sandstone ledges that tower above the Des Moines River within the park, which are a result of glacial meltwater carving through the rock, creating a series of distinct horizontal cliffs throughout the area; essentially, the "ledges" are the defining geological feature of the park.

Till next time!

Thursday, October 10


 If I don't write a post when I think of it, things can surely get out of hand. We have made great strides in getting ready to head South even though it probably does not appear as such. We have our boosters done. Covid and Flu. We have notified the water guys when to come turn off the water. I have our temporary address change taken care of...almost forgot that one! I do have a list to go by but I haven't checked it yet. For those of you who have never been through this process for multiple years, there is a fine line in getting ready. We don't want to get it all done too soon because then you sit here with nothing to do or worse yet you might "undo" and then "redo" a number of times and that is not fun. So we inch along with it and we are Right on Schedule.

Today Butch goes to see the podiatrist and then next week we get our Fall checkup followed by Butch getting another shot in his leg and then we should be done with appointments. This part of the departure has become different as we age.

I have been filling my spare time with beading, and I can safely say my skills are close to what they were 6 or 7 years ago. It is a great outlet for my creative juices. Planning the next project while working on the current one is a common practice for those who do any artistic endeavor.

These are the last 8 rings I have done and the next one is safely on my planning board.

Friday, October 4


 I had the pleasure of seeing a Starling in full sunlight this morning and what a fantastic picture it was! I didn't catch a photo I am sorry to say. Butch said, "I have never thought of a Starling in that way." So I found this pic on the net but it isn't nearly as pretty as the one I saw. There is some deep purple coloring you can see when they are highlighted with sunlight

Catch me if you can!

 Butch and I are in the getting-ready-to-head South mode. Each year we try to make it a bit easier however something tends to get in the way. I had the plan to take my beading supplies South and that plan remains intact. There was some interest in learning how to bead some rings last season so I am going to be prepared to see that through.

And then I decided to take my Swedish Weaving supplies to sell or donate and finalize that craft I never seem to get back to doing. 

We have a tub marked "Take to Texas" and it has been at the ready all summer. So you see how this can grow. And that is only my end of things. I haven't asked but I do know Butch surely has his list as well.

The pool cues and accessories is a given but that only takes a little space.

This morning as I lay in bed thinking...I remembered I have 2 tubs of yarn that can go too. Oh well! It will be a one-way trip for much of this stuff.

I can hear Butch's low growl when he sees this post. 

Till next time!

Tuesday, October 1

The House with Nobody in it

The House with Nobody In It
Joyce Kilmer

Whenever I walk to Suffern along the Erie track
I go by a poor old farmhouse with its shingles broken and black.
I suppose I've passed it a hundred times, but I always stop for a minute
And look at the house, the tragic house, the house with nobody in it. 

I never have seen a haunted house, but I hear there are such things;
That they hold the talk of spirits, their mirth and sorrowings.
I know this house isn't haunted, and I wish it were, I do;
For it wouldn't be so lonely if it had a ghost or two. 

This house on the road to Suffern needs a dozen panes of glass,
And somebody ought to weed the walk and take a scythe to the grass.
It needs new paint and shingles, and the vines should be trimmed and tied;
But what it needs the most of all is some people living inside. 

If I had a lot of money and all my debts were paid
I'd put a gang of men to work with brush and saw and spade.
I'd buy that place and fix it up the way it used to be
And I'd find some people who wanted a home and give it to them free. 

Now, a new house standing empty, with staring window and door,
Looks idle, perhaps, and foolish, like a hat on its block in the store.
But there's nothing mournful about it; it cannot be sad and lone
For the lack of something within it that it has never known. 

But a house that has done what a house should do,
a house that has sheltered life,
That has put its loving wooden arms around a man and his wife,
A house that has echoed a baby's laugh and held up his stumbling feet,
Is the saddest sight, when it's left alone, that ever your eyes could meet. 

So whenever I go to Suffern along the Erie track
I never go by the empty house without stopping and looking back,
Yet it hurts me to look at the crumbling roof and the shutters fallen apart,
For I can't help thinking the poor old house is a house with a broken heart.


This poem is in the public domain.


Alfred Joyce Kilmer (1886 – 1918) is best known for his poem, "Trees,"  but he actually produced quite a large volume of work. Had his life not ended so tragically early, many believe he would have developed into one of America's great poets. Joyce married young and fathered five children even as he was establishing himself as a teacher, writer, and lecturer. While coping with the illness of one of their children, Joyce and his wife converted from the Episcopal faith to Catholocism and he ultimately became the leading Catholic poet of his time. When World War I broke out, Joyce enlisted and had contracted to write a book about his war experiences. Unfortunately, he was killed on a French battlefield before he ever even began the book; he was only 31 when he died. Interesting side note: Joyce's father worked for Johnson & Johnson and is credited with inventing that company's famous baby powder.