Thursday, November 28

Thanksgiving Day!

Boy oh Boy! My Thanksgiving day is starting off great. I have been trying off and on to get Alexa hooked up down here with difficulty! It seems she wanted to stay in Iowa where she knew how to connect to the internet. I tried to show her the way many times but no, she would not let it happen. We even took her to a T-Mobile spot and they assured me she was fixed but she wasn't when we brought her home. I had an inkling it was a setting issue somewhere in the system. I would fiddle a bit and then feel like I was closer many times and this morning my fiddling worked.

Fiddling has been my main system for taking care of tech problems for all my years of teching. It just takes longer now for things to click into place. It takes longer to do everything!!

We are staying home this Thanksgiving without plans to do anything in particular. I have several small tasks I would like to take off my todo list.

My gratitude list is extremely long and something I think of every day, not just on Thanksgiving.

I hope all of our friends and family are doing precisely what they want to do this Thanksgiving day and every other day as well.

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