Monday, June 26


Mostly, things are going smoothly, leaving big gaps in my blog entries. Well, there are also enough things taking place to slow down my writing time. I know that is a natural part of aging too. What used to take minutes can take as long as an hour these days. And in a talk with my doctor (annual visit) when I was lamenting feeling ill at ease on a bicycle, she asks, How many 80-year-old women do you see riding bikes on the trail? I have to admit there are not many but I would like to be one of them.

I can still walk on the trail and I do. Probably should do more than I do but it takes too long! (See above)

I always have plenty to look at while sitting at my computer. We have baby squirrels literally learning the ropes. I watched a young one trying to talk himself into taking a leap. He finally made it but it took a while.

Just before the leap!

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