Monday, April 10

Green Bean Recall

 I received this message from Butch's sister Marlene and thought it made an appropriate add-on to the last post.

Barb = When I started reading your note on the green bean recipe, I just knew you were going to tell a story on our oldest son.  I think of it every now and then – we were visiting Mom and Dad in Jefferson with the kids one weekend.  Danial was probably 7 or 8 yrs. Old  We were sitting down at the table to eat and Mom had made the green bean casserole where you put mashed potatoes on top of the casserole with cream of mushroom soup and some cheese. Danial puts some on his plate and tastes it, then said “ Hmm tastes better than you’d think to look at it-“ I don’t remember if Mom was amused or mad I just know I was quite embarrassed.  Marlene"

I am guessing she was amused because grandchildren are special. I enjoyed knowing there was more than one 'green bean' story.

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