Thursday, December 1

Slips Away...

 Time does slip away...We have been busy but that should never be an excuse. Tuesday was particularly active. Our dermatology appointment was at 11:00 and we learned a trick last time. They take their morning patients as they come in so if you have an appointment at 11:00 but wanted one at 9:00 get there by 8:00 and it should work! It should work fine for them until the patients find out the system.

Both of my biopsies were clear of cancer, however, they are actually warts, which is a virus, contagious, and will spread. The cure is to freeze them and so we did. Easy, peasy, and I am done for now. We both have another appointment for follow-up in late March. Our appointment is for 10 so we will be there by 9 and so on and so on.

After that we went to the bank to get more money, then my appointment at the Massage College. Ladiany was not there this time so I had Isaac. He was just as adept as Ladiany and he found all of my knots. My knots did not like being found and are still protesting. Both of us have an appointment for next week. I meant Butch and me but after reading it again the thought of me and my knots having an appointment tickled my funny bone. Ha! Another one!

Then we hustle back home because I still have to work in supper before Trivia at 6:30. Trivia went well. We still had 4 teams and as is usually the case, one team is dominating. It always seems to work out that way and not much can be done about it. Another team will have to step up and knock them off their throne.

I do not like cramming all that into one day so from now on we will try to make appointments on Thursday because it is our least busy day of the week.

I always plan to do better but if you are one of my peers you understand how that can go. Till next time...

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