Thursday, December 22

How Trivia Works...

I wrote this as a promotional object for Trophy Gardens but decided on putting it here in case some of my peeps in Jefferson want to share it with friends for next summer. Once people find out it is Pub Style they seem to have more interest in it. I have to agree that other formats pale by comparison.

How Trivia works:

The trivia we play is called Pub-style. We play 4 rounds of 5 questions each with 5 different categories. ( Sample; Animals, Sports, Geography, Presidents, Movies) There are teams of 8 people playing. The number of people on a team may fluctuate, however having more people is not necessarily an asset. It is a courtesy of the teams to make sure all team members have a chance to share their input. A number value (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) is assigned to your answer and the numbers may only be used once for each of the 5 questions in a round. The point values are double in round 4.

Anyone may come to play and if you do not have a team to join we can help you find one. Everyone is also welcome to come and observe.

The rules are simple. 

Please do not shout out the answer.

No Cell Phones. One answer per team, one team per table.

All answers are final. No answers or point values may be changed once your answer slip has been given to the host. We will put in the smallest available value if your answer slip doesn’t contain a point value.

Tuesday Trivia is played in the Main Hall at 6:30 PM. Hosted by Barb Brooker and Renie Stinson- Ya’all come now, ya hear!

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