Saturday, October 29

My time of day..

 I am currently up and getting things in order at my usual time of day (6:00 am). I had an email from sister-in-law Marlene wondering how we got into our Texas home and so thought I should share the rest of the story.

I just noticed I used the wrong "brake"  on my last blog post! This getting old is anything but easy!   When we were packing up and Butch was loading up things on his very littered desk top he saw a container and wondered what was in it and discovered all of the Texas house keys! Sometimes we have to share the responsibility for our snafus but not this time.

Butch has washed down the outside of our park model and the deck. It was quite dusty. It was also dusty inside. Not bad really but a noticeable thin layer of dust. I was happy that our neighbor Roseann had warned me about covering lampshades, furniture, and other things that might be difficult to clean when we came back. One of our biggest surprises was when we opened the door. It was decidedly cooler inside! Granted it was only 82 degrees outdoors but the difference was remarkable.  And a pleasant surprise!

Our tubs have been emptied and we have made a trip to H.E.B. I relied totally on memory so we will be needing to go back very today. The food part of this is the most unsettling to me and the one thing I need to learn more about. I have note paper right beside me and when I think of something I need, I write it down immediately. The ability to carry around in my brain 6 or more items with no problem left me a while back and I wish I knew where it went and how to get it back. Till next time...

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