Sunday, September 18

Good Grief!!

 I can not believe how long it has been since the blog slipped my mind! Yes, we have been busier than average but that should not be an excuse. 

We will soon be entering our last month of staying in our summer home, which has been a good part of the distraction. It will be our first trip south without the MoHo and that whole business takes up a fair amount of my thinking time. I have a 'future garage sale pile' and a 'going south pile' and they are both growing. However, there is still a bit more than a month of being in Iowa, and the interim gets tricky.

I have driven the new car a few times and it seems quite easy. I haven't even come close to what all of the gadgets and gizmos do and I doubt I ever will.

We are still playing pool an hour a day, 4 to 5 and I guess I am improving. Some days yes, and other days, NO. I have a neon sign in the window and when it is turned on it means that we are in the pool hall and ready for visitors. It seems our friends have the same busi-ness going on that we do. Thursday night Trivia is still going and one of the players, Glen, has given me a break so I could play. I enjoy that. There is a learning curve to making up the questions as Glen found out last week. It takes a while but I am willing to let him find his niche so I can play.

So long for now...Don't give up on me!!

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