Sunday, February 6

Friends Headed North

 Darrel and Linda are headed back to Iowa today. We had a very good time with them for the month they were here and we hope they can come back next season and stay longer. Last night we had chili and cornbread at our place and then played Pitch till it was time to go to bed. It had been many years since I played Pitch but it was fun once I relearned it. 

We had a cold spell, actually a few cold spells while they were here. They handled it like the Iowa troopers they are. Thinking back over our 20 plus years of coming to South Texas I would say the number of cold spells and the depth of them are far more severe in the past 5 years or so than before. Needing one pair of jeans used to be an oddity but in the last month, I have had to wash jeans more than once so we wouldn't run out. We each have 4 pairs now where one pair used to be plenty. The times and the weather are a-changing.

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