Thursday, May 6

Pool Table Finale

 Yesterday, Wednesday, Butch and I worked nonstop from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on assembling the pool table. It is done! Is it perfect? No. Do we like it? Very much so!

We watched a youtube video many times and have said often when you do something only once it is bound to be less perfect than if you had done it several times and the guy doing the video accentuates that.

This is the best video we found.

It has been a long time since we worked 5 hours straight and it takes its toll. We were both crippling around severely last night. This morning we started in on all the accessories that go along with having a pool table; Such as holders for cues and racks etc. That will continue for a while as the need arises. 

I am in need of a small mirror behind the sink in the pool hall bathroom. I need something small 16"x16" or thereabouts and they want a fortune in the store...any store. So I am looking for a bargain. It could take a while. Butch doesn't think a mirror is needed in the pool hall.

This was taken right after we considered the job done. 

So the pool hall is essentially open. We have been known to stop whatever we are doing long enough to play a game so stop on by and if you don't find us in one place look in another.

Currently, all three places, house, moho, and pool hall are in a bit of disorder but it will get done all in good time.

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