Friday, March 26

Years ago...and then today!

 In 2010 we work camped at Hillman Michigan for the Thunder Bay RV and Golf Resort. I happened to be sitting in a beading class and Jeannie Sparks came in to see what was going on. She was actually killing time until they were pulling out. So we only visited for perhaps 15 minutes. Jeannie and Eldy were full-time Rvers as we were and we had a short but interesting conversation. As strange as it might seem Jeannie and I have stayed in touch through different social media, Facebook, blogs, hers and mine, and an occasional email. You can find Jeannie's blog here: She takes wonderful photos! So her blog is worth a look.

The four of us met up at the El Dorado for supper a couple of nights ago. It was the first time we had eaten there since probably 2019 and we were not disappointed in either the company or the food!

And today when we needed to go down and pay Hector they came along with us. I took a few photos.

Can you see how close the semi is to the car in front of it? Made us nervous just looking at it!

This would be a good idea for our Canadian Friends!

Our friends Eldy and Jeannie join us at the gate. Yes, that ramp is indeed as steep as it looks.

Caught my eye...

Eldy and Jeannie

And Jeannie took one of us.

It was a fun day!!

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